Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 5: Blue Wave Arrives in Galway

Today we said our fond goodbyes to our Dublin families. And I mean "families" in the truest sense of the word. Speaking for my family, I believe the Murphy's to be life-long friends whom we look forward to seeing often in the future. As I indicated in earlier blogs, the Trojan team could not have done more to make us feel welcome. The coaches, swimmers AND most notably, the parents went far and above any expectations we may have had.

Today was David's first full day out of the hospital (see photo attached). He is now under 24 hour watch by the Garda (google it), with orders not to move, eat or breath anything that may in the least cause problems =] For those of you that don't know, David fell out of a tree and broke his wrist, which got him a day stay in the hospital.

Today was also education day. Your kids learned all about the peat boggs and the value they bring to the Irish way of life. The Blackwater Bogg that we visited today is 400 square miles of peat 24 feet deep, and it will supply one of Ireland's 3 peat-fired power plants for another 15 years. We also visited Clonmacnoise, and early Christian site that dates back to the 6th century. After the second tour, your children selected a fine Irish establishment for lunch. Some say this place features the best burgers in the world =] McDonald's. Can you believe that? Mickey D's somewhere between Dublin and Galway.

We arrived in Galway at about 5:00PM this afternoon. Our kids were met by the Chairman of the Club, who rolled out the red carpet for us. He told us that his club is hosting a social for both teams, in which Brandon Blue Wave will be formally welcomed to the town by the Mayor of Galway. What is impressive is Galway is the fastest growing city in all of Europe, and though it is not yet as big as Dublin, it is a sizable town. And the mayor is coming to meet us!!! The kids were paired up and met their host families, and the parents went to the hotel for the evening. Tomorrow with any luck with the weather, we will be visiting the Aran Islands. This part of Ireland is rich in history and should give your kids a very good lesson on how life was in all of Ireland hundreds of years ago.

Monica: Ty says he misses Jake more. And do you know he made Kaitie buy her own hamburger today? Dilton, David looks good and is doing just fine. If you check out the photo, you will see the team has already decorated his cast. Matt, your family is having a great time, but wishing you were here to share it with them. Check out the photo of Aleks and his medal. Larry and Jean, I have not heard Jason say two words, but he is eating well if Mars Bars count ;-). Sharla's mom, I ask Sharla today if she was enjoying the trip. Her reply to me was: "I sure am." Scott and Liz, I will ask Allie to email you tomorrow ;-).

Well, I was hoping to have this blog updated before midnight tonight. That means I have 20 minutes to post everything. Well, until tomorrow...


mball said...

I'm so happy that Tyler and his co-partners in crime get to experience something that I can only ready about. One of the moms give Tyler and big squeeze from me. I miss my babyyyyyyyyy! Enjoy Galway, the town must be something special to embrace you the way they are. The mayor WoW!!!!

Dean Graves said...

Monica, are you sure you want us to embarrass you son by having a mom give him a big squeeze in front of all his buddies?

Unknown said...

Wow, what a neat experience you all are having! Finally I have heard from my baby so I am feeling a lot better! I am all for having a Mom give Allie a hug from me too!

ParasiteDoc said...

The Kyle Girls 3 are sorely missed in sunny Tampa! Daisy wants to know if you have met any Irish Setters?